Time: 2:18 - 2:40 UT
Instrument: 25x100 Binoculars
Mount: Altaz/Tripod
Seeing: Good
Transparency: Good
NELM: 6.5 or better
Temperature: +27 F (-3 C)

Shown above is the full 2.33 degree field of view of the large, 25x100 binoculars with Comet Holmes near the center. West is up, and north is to the left. The sun is toward the north-northeast. Many of the fainter stars that were visible were not included in the sketch.
The comet's inner coma was sharpest and brightest on its sun-facing side. The outer coma was noticeably more diffuse, fainter, and less sharply defined than it has appeared previously.
The brighter portions of the comet (within the inner coma) were a subtle greenish-blue color. The color was initially noted with the 25x100 binoculars, but was even more apparent with de-focused 8x42 binoculars.
This comet has pretty much maintained its brightness over the past several nights. It remains easily visible to the unaided eye as a moderately bright 'fuzzy star'.
When scanning the sky with 8x42 binoculars in the general vicinity of the comet this evening I spotted the diffuse glow of the nearby open star cluster NGC 1528.
This observation was made in the evening, local time. The comet was also briefly observed and sketched on the previous morning using 20x80 binoculars.