17 April 2007

Two Galaxies and a Planet

Date: 17 April 2007 U.T.
Time: 1:50 - 5:50 U.T. (with breaks)
Telescope: 30cm Newtonian
Magnifications: 150x (Venus)
160x (M81)
250x (M82)
Filters: Moon-SkyGlow & #58 Green (Venus)
None (Galaxies)
Seeing: Fair to Poor
NELM: Bright Twilight (Venus)
6.5 (Galaxies)
Temperature: +43 F (+6 C)

Venus was observed and sketched near sunset. The planet's gibbous (approaching quarter) phase was obvious. Subtle markings were difficult to pin down due to relatively poor seeing conditions. Nevertheless, I was able to complete a rough sketch.

M81, a bright, spiral galaxy in Ursa Major was observed and sketched at 160x. This galaxy had a small, bright, central region surrounded by a fainter, oval glow. Upon closer inspection one of the galaxy's spiral arms became evident on the north following side of the galaxy's nucleus. Other arms were suspected as glimpses were caught of darker regions within the faint glow of M81's outer regions.

M82 is a bright, irregular galaxy near M81 in Ursa Major. A few brighter and darker regions were seen without much difficulty in this interesting, cigar-shaped galaxy.

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